At the SERCus
I realised a couple of months ago that I’d have the New Year’s holiday to myself, so I posted a request on, asking what was going on at that time, swim-wise.
My intrepid swimmer friend, Suzie Dods, replied, suggesting I do the SERC New Year Alcatraz swim.
I will confess that I lost the entire blog I wrote before this so I don’t know what order these photos are in.. I will say though that my qualifying swim, done on December 8th, was a cleansing experience. Two weeks of miserable sickness were coughed up and washed away and I was able to feel alive for the first time in a couple of months.
I love swimming in salt water, I love the Pacific and I’d love to live over there. First though, someone needs to die and leave me a lot of money…
I’ll be back for New Years!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in the meantime, please enjoy one of my favourite Marx Bros scenes )))
“and on a clear day, you can see Alcatraz,
you can learn a lot from Lydia!!!”